10 Need-Based Scholarships Offered by Universities in the USA


Navigating the costs of higher education can be daunting, but many universities in the USA offer need-based scholarships to help students achieve their academic aspirations without financial strain. These scholarships are designed to assist students who demonstrate financial need, providing support for tuition, fees, and living expenses. This article explores ten prominent need-based scholarships offered by universities across the United States, highlighting their eligibility criteria and benefits.

1. Harvard University Scholarship

Harvard University offers need-based financial aid to undergraduate students based on family income and assets. The university ensures that all admitted students can afford to attend by covering tuition, fees, room, and board for families with incomes below a certain threshold.

2. Yale University Scholarship

Yale University provides generous need-based scholarships that cover the full demonstrated financial need of undergraduate students. The Yale Scholarship includes tuition, room, board, and other expenses, ensuring accessibility to students from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds.

3. Stanford University Scholarship

Stanford University offers need-based financial aid packages that meet the full demonstrated need of admitted undergraduate students. The university’s policy includes grants instead of loans, making it possible for students from various financial backgrounds to attend without accumulating debt.

4. Princeton University Scholarship

Princeton University is committed to providing need-based financial aid that covers the full cost of attendance for admitted students. The Princeton Financial Aid package includes grants, which do not need to be repaid, ensuring accessibility for all admitted students.

5. University of Chicago Scholarship

The University of Chicago offers need-based scholarships that cover tuition, fees, room, and board for undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need. The university’s commitment to financial accessibility includes grants and work-study opportunities.

6. Columbia University Scholarship

Columbia University provides need-based financial aid packages to undergraduate students, covering the cost of tuition, fees, and living expenses. The university’s aid program aims to make education affordable for students from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds.

7. University of Pennsylvania Scholarship

The University of Pennsylvania offers need-based financial aid that meets the full demonstrated need of undergraduate students. The university’s grant-based aid packages ensure that all admitted students can afford to attend without financial burden.

8. Duke University Scholarship

Duke University provides need-based financial aid to undergraduate students, including grants and work-study opportunities. The university’s commitment to affordability extends to covering tuition, fees, room, and board based on financial need.

9. Northwestern University Scholarship

Northwestern University offers need-based financial aid to undergraduate students, covering the cost of tuition, fees, and other expenses. The university’s aid packages include grants and scholarships to ensure accessibility for admitted students.

10. University of California, Berkeley Scholarship

UC Berkeley offers need-based financial aid to undergraduate students, including grants and scholarships that cover tuition, fees, and living expenses. The university’s commitment to affordability supports students from diverse backgrounds.


Need-based scholarships offered by universities in the USA play a crucial role in making higher education accessible and affordable for students from various socioeconomic backgrounds. These scholarships provide financial support without the burden of loans, enabling students to focus on their academic pursuits and future career goals. Prospective students should explore these opportunities early and apply to maximize their chances of receiving financial aid.

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